Dates in early Buddhism


The dates given here stem from the Mahavamsa’s assertion that Asoka's accession to the throne was 218 years after the Parinibbana (quoted BDPPN). This was approximately 270 B.C. (EB.2.180).


Buddha’s Parinibbana 488 B.C. B.E.1
First council (Venerables Kassapa, Upali, Ananda and 500 monks) 488 B.C. B.E.1
Second council (Venerables Sabbakamin, Revata, and 700 monks) (CV) 388 B.C. B.E.101
Abhidhamma appears (Dhammasangani) (BPE, intro p25)  375 B.C. B.E.114
Major schism (Mahasanghika and Sthavira) (BV, intro pviii) 340 B.C. B.E.149
Asoka’s accession (EB.2.180) 270 B.C. B.E.219
Third council (Asoka’s reign 17th year) (HB p262) 253 B.C.  B.E.236
Mahinda (12 vassas) to Sri Lanka (BDPPN) 253 B.C. B.E.236
Abhidhamma completed (Kathavatthu) (BPE, intro p24) 250 B.C. B.E.239
Dutthagamani's reign: founds the Maha Thupa, Anuradhapura (BDPPN) 101-77BC B.E.388-412
Vattagamani's reign: founds Abhayagiri Monastery and fourth council (BDPPN) 29-17 BC B.E.460-472

Key and notes

  • BPE: Buddhist Psychological Ethics, translation of Dhammasangani by C.A.F. Rhys Davids (PTS, 1900).
  • CV: Cullavagga: Venerable Sabbakamin was 120 vassas, the pupil of Venerable Ananda (Vin.2.303).
  • EB: Encyclopaedia of Buddhism: G.P. Malalasekara (ed) Colombo 1961
  • HB: The Historical Buddha: H.W. Schumann, 1988.
  • BDPPN: Buddhist Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G.P.Malalasekara, PTS, 1960
  • B.E: Buddhist Era
  • BV: Bhiksuni Vinaya G.Roth 1970. Roth says two scholars reached this date independently: A. Bareau, Les Sectes Bouddhiques du Petit Vehicule, Saigon, 1955, (p31) and E.Frauwallner, Die buddhistischen Konzile, ZDMG 102, 1952, p243ff and p256ff.     |     © 2008, Bhante Varado     |     Install the Gentium font